MCCC: Old Friends and Fan Favorites

Over our three days at The Motor City Comic Con we got to connect with some good friends and make some new ones.  Trekkies and Trekkers were all impressed with the viewing of Star Trek: Of Gods and Men. Trek celebrities that were present included Avery Brooks, Walter Koeing, Chase Masterson, Anthony Montgomery and Alan Ruck. Check out our coverage of it here.

Other fan-favorite con favorites included Joe Pantoliano, Billy Dee Williams, Margot Kidder, Greg Itzen, Mick Foley, Mickey Dolenz (the Monkee-mobile rocked!) and Erik Estrada (Erik had his own fan club at the con-sponsored after party). You could hear “Er-ik Estrad-a” being chanted down the hallway.

Once again this year, Chris Scalf Illustrations was there raising money for Autism awareness. They were right next door to the 501st and to stay in theme, this year they build a huge Rancor head (VERY COOL!) that you and your loved ones could get a picture with. And they had another raffle this year with all the proceeds going towards charity.  These guys are vastly talented people who are using their gifts for a great cause. Here is a link to a previous interview explaining the work they do. The 501st were there in force again.  They are a national organization that is also the largest costumed fan club in the world.  Once again, here good are folks who are reaching out and using their presence to raise money for charities. Here is our write up of them from last year.

If the midwest comic / horror circuit had someone who has “rock group” status, that would have to be Legion Studios. Legion is one the fastest growing independent horror presses out there. If you missed them at Novi, they will also be at Wizard World Chicago with a few new books including their premier of Fallen Sisters. Not all fans might have the backbone for their work, but if horror is your thing, you definitely need to check them out!

We also got to catch up with the incredible artist Sean Forney. Sean in the co-creator and artist on the independent book Scarlett Huntress. Sean is a phenomenal guy with a whole bucket of talent that some of your major companies haven’t tapped into yet. Sean has done work for Camp Comics, Arrow Comics and Blue Water Productions. Looking at Sean’s work, his works would be perfect for any classic Super-hero title.

And a convention really isn’t a convention unless you meet up with the mad artist pirate himself, Nigel Sade.  Nigel has some incredible work ranging from a mix of superhero icons / tribal tattoos to whole series of pieces on the objectification of women and how to inspire your sons / daughters to dream.  This man truly is a talent and truly is a character.  Odds are, the mold was broke when Nigel showed up. 🙂

Overall, The Motor City Comic Convention was a great time, and once again given the good size it is with the amoutnd of people and comic / media celebrities there.  the MCCC is a hard one to beat!

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Updated: June 7, 2008 — 5:56 am

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