Tag: Witter

Pullbox Reviews: Squarriors Vol 2 #4

Squarriors:  Summer (vol 2, issue 4) Created by/Writer/Layouts:  Ash Maczko Art/Letters/Colors:  Ashley Witter Publisher:  Devil’s Due Comics Available:  October 30 Diamond Code:  AUG191859 Andy Reviews: After an agonizingly long wait (apparently, developing and marketing two separate card games and producing ongoing cover orders for Marvel as well as an un-ending list of commissions tends to […]

Pullbox Previews: Bloodthirsty #2 from Titan Comics

BLOODTHIRSTY #2 (OF 5) WRITER: Mark Landry ARTIST: Ashley Witter COVER: Ashley Witter PUBLISHER: Titan Comics PAGE-COUNT: 32PP PRICE: $3.99 ON SALE: November 4   Coast Guard veteran Virgil Lafleur’s hunt for his brother’s killers leads to an explosive confrontation at the Rising Sun Caberet – the seediest club the Big Easy has to offer – where he quickly discovers that lap dances […]

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