Tag: Werner

Pullbox Reviews: The Misplaced #1 – Ethereal Art and Heavenly Storytelling Make for an Outstanding Debut!

If you’re like me, a semi-reformed geek who grew up in the ‘80’s (or maybe even later), you heard the argument over and over again: comics are neither art, nor literature—that they’re just fluff. Pulp. Scribbles and capes and prepubescent male fantasy. And, if you’re like me, you pointed to Alan Moore’s Watchmen, later to Neil Gaiman’s Sandman, or the writing of Chris Claremont, or the art of Berni Wrightson and Barry Windsor-Smith, but it all fell on deaf ears. Well, Chris Callahan ends that argument forever with The Misplaced. This is ART and it is LITERATURE. And the fact that it’s Callahan’s first foray into comics is nothing short of astounding. (13/13)

Pullbox Reviews Holliston: Carnival of Carnage – Murder Pepper Chili & Clown Related Hate Crimes…

Holliston: Carnival of Carnage Source Point Press Written by Greg Wright Illustrated by Stephen Sharar Colors & Design by Joshua Werner Letters by Justin Birch Holliston created by Adam Green The gang (and nearly every supporting character) from Adam Green’s cult favorite TV show is back! And they’re battling creepy clowns, romantic rivals, and a […]

Pullbox Previews Hollison: Carnival of Carnage

Holliston: Carnival of Carnage Source Point Press Written by Greg Wright Art by Stephen Sharar Colors by Joshua Werner Letters by Justin Birch Holliston (TV Series) created by Adam Green Pre-order by September 14th —Press Release— Source Point Press has announced that the release of the graphic novel “Holliston: Carnival of Carnage” will be October […]

Pullbox Reviews Holliston: Friendship is Tragic #1- Curses, Cats, & Cash Cards…

Holliston: Friendship is Tragic #1 Source Point Press Based on the television series created by Adam Green Written by Greg Wright Art (pencils & inks) by Stephen Sharar Colors & Letters by Joshua Werner Edited by Travis McIntire The characters from the tv series appear in this brand new stand-alone adventure, being brought to comics […]

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