Tag: Vikings

Pullbox Previews Kill All Immortals #1 – The billionaire elite, Vikings, and power… Get an axe.

SUCCESSION meets JON WICK with immortal Vikings A thousand years ago, Viking explorer Erik the Red and his four adult children discovered a mysterious source of immortality. In our modern world, they are an enigmatic billionaire family with a powerful banking empire. But when Erik’s only daughter, Frey Asvald, seeks freedom from her family’s influence, […]

Pullbox Reviews: Helheim #1- Vikings, Witches, & a Big Friggin Zombie

Helheim #1 Oni Press Written by Cullen Bunn (@cullenbunn) Art by Joelle Jones (@joelle_jones) Colors by Nick Filardi (@nickfil) Letters by Ed Brisson (@edbrisson) The hit Viking horror fantasy series from a superstar team—artist Joëlle Jones (Supergirl, Lady Killer), writer Cullen Bunn (The Damned, The Sixth Gun), and colorist Nick Filardi (Cave Carson Has a […]

Pullbox Reviews: Vikings vs Unicorns #1- What You Think You Know is a Lie

Vikings vs Unicorns #1 Egghead Comics Created & Written by Jim Tramontana Illustrated by KC Anderson You’ve heard of alternate histories? Well Vikings vs. Unicorns is an alternate mythology, recasting everyone’s favorite one-horned mythical icon of cuteness as a feral nightmare, endowed with immense powers and bent on destroying humanity. They are pitted against one […]

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