Tag: Van Lente

DIE!namite Lives! Ramps it up… ’nuff said!

DIE!namite Lives! #5 writer: Fred Van Lente artist: Vincenzo Carratu, Jordi Perez FC | 32 pages | Superhero, Horror | $3.99 | Teen+ Vampirella. Evil Sonja. Ash of Army Of Darkness. Pantha. Project: Superpowers. Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt. Jennifer Blood. Smiley. Frankenstein monsters. ONE…WILL…DIE! Or …SOME…WILL…DIE! Or…ALL…WILL…DIE! (zombie stories make it hard to tell who’s died, […]

Pullbox Previews: Jennifer Blood #1

Jennifer Blood (Vol. 2) #1 writer: Fred Van Lente artist: Vincenzo Federici covers: Lucio Parrillo (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Lesley ‘Leirix’ Li (C), Junggeun Yoon (D), Rachel Hollon Cosplay (E), Blank Authentix (F), Lucio Parrillo (G-RI/Tint), Lesley ‘Leirix’ Li (H-RI/BW), Junggeun Yoon (I-RI/Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (J-RI/BW), Rachel Hollon Cosplay (K-RI/Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner […]

Pullbox Previews: Psi-Lords #4

I LOVE this series – filled with superhero / sci-fi awesomeness! Psi-Lords is a fresh take and an amazing add to the Valiant Universe. Cannot wait to see where it goes. PSI-LORDS #4Written by FRED VAN LENTEArt by RENATO GUEDESLetters by DAVE SHARPECover A by RAHZZAHCover B by MICHAEL WALSHCover C by TULA LOTAYPre-Order Edition by PAULINA GANUCHEAU$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On […]

Pullbox Previews: Psi-Lords #1

Valiant Entertainment is proud to release the first 10 pages of PSI-LORDS #1, the sensational sci-fi ongoing series by Fred Van Lente (Weapon X) and Renato Guedes (Action Comics)! In the preview, four astronauts awake in an otherworldly prison with no memory of how they got there and quickly discover they have incredible abilities. What is their connection to the powerful […]

Pullbox Previews: Psi-Lords #1 – Back from the Future!

PSI-LORDS #1Written by FRED VAN LENTEArt by RENATO GUEDESLetters by DAVE SHARPECover A by ROD REISCover B by JONBOY MEYERSCover C by ALAN QUAHCosmic Variant Cover by MARCO RUDYPre-Order Edition Cover by PAULINA GANUCHEAUBlank Cover Also Avaialable Available June 19th, 2019Initial Orders Due by April 25th (spoiler-free reviews by then are encouraged!)  FOC is May 27th$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | Full Color The Psi-Lords make their debut in the […]

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