Tag: Valiant

Pullbox Previews: Quantum And Woody #7

QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #7 Written by ELIOT RAHAL Art by FRANCIS PORTELA Colors by ANDREW DALHOUSE Letters by DAVE SHARPE Cover A by ARIEL OLIVETTI (APR181862) Cover B (Extreme Ultra-Foil) by GEOFF SHAW (APR181863) Extreme Ultra-Foil Chase Variant by GEOFF SHAW (APR181864) Q&W Icon Variant by VIKTOR KALVACHEV (APR181865) Pre-Order Edition by ANTONIO FUSO (MAR188175) “WHAT […]

Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #3 – Every Sin Casts a Shadow….

SHADOWMAN (2018) #3 Written by ANDY DIGGLE Art by STEPHEN SEGOVIA with ADAM POLLINA Cover A by TONCI ZONJIC (MAR181998) Cover B by RENATO GUEDES (MAR181999) Interlocking Variant by JUAN JOSÉ RYP (MAR182000) Shadowman Icon Variant by GREG SMALLWOOD (MAR182001) Pre-Order Edition by RAÚL ALLÉN (JAN182006) Every sin casts a shadow… After years of purgatorial exile, Jack […]

Pullbox Previews: Quantum And Woody! #8 – Separation Anxiety Begins!

Valiant is proud to present your first look at the lettered pages of QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #8, an ALL-NEW ARC and NEW JUMPING-ON POINT for the UNPREDICTABLE ONGOING SERIES by renowned writer Eliot Rahal (The Paybacks) and Eisner-nominated artist Joe Eisma (Archie)! On July 18th, “SEPARATION ANXIETY” sends the Henderson brothers straight to the slammer for an all-new adventure* that will put their survival skills to the […]

Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #4

Valiant is proud to announce your first look at SHADOWMAN (2018) #4, the beginning of an ALL-NEW ARC and NEW JUMPING-ON POINT in the POWERFUL ONGOING SERIES of 2018! On June 20th, incredible artist Shawn Martinbrough (Thief of Thieves) joins acclaimed writer Andy Diggle (Green Arrow: Year One) to kick off “DEAD AND GONE,” as today’s Shadowman meets one of the many loa-ridden ancestors who came before him! For […]

Pullbox Previews: Ninja-K #7

Valiant is proud to present your first look inside NINJA-K #7, the next chapter of the EXPLOSIVE NEW ONGOING SERIES by renowned writer Christos Gage (Netflix’s Daredevil) and incendiary artist Juan José Ryp (BRITANNIA)! On May 16th, “THE COALITION” delivers another fatal strike against Colin King, the elite secret agent known as Ninjak, as he forges new alliances to face off against an unfathomable threat! For decades, the […]

Pullbox Previews: Bloodshot Salvation #10 – Return to the 41st Century!

Valiant is proud to present your first look inside BLOODSHOT SALVATION #10 – the FIRST ISSUE of “THE BOOK OF REVELATIONS,” A SHOCK-INDUCING JUMPING-ON POINT from New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire (Black Hammer, Animal Man) and dazzling artist Doug Braithwaite (X-O MANOWAR, Journey into Mystery)! On June 13th, the creative team that brought the Bloodshot of 4001 A.D. to life returns to the 41st century once […]

Pullbox Previews: Quantum and Woody! #5 “Kiss Kiss, Klang Klang” Continues…

QUANTUM AND WOODY! (2017) #5 Written by DANIEL KIBBLESMITH Art by KANO Cover A (Standard) by MICHAEL WALSH (FEB181898) Cover B (Extreme Ultra-Foil) by GEOFF SHAW (FEB181899) Extreme Ultra-Foil Chase Variant by GEOFF SHAW (FEB181900) Q&W Icon Variant by PETER BAGGE (FEB181901) Pre-Order Edition by ADAM GORHAM (OCT171909) Three’s company! After three decades and 10,000 […]

Pullbox Previews: Bloodshot Salvation #9 – Origin Story ‘Nuff Said!

Valiant is proud to present your first look inside BLOODSHOT SALVATION #9 – a stunning STANDALONE ORIGIN STORY featuring the never-before-seen history of the indestructible mammalian machine known as Bloodhound! On May 16th, New York Times best-selling writer Jeff Lemire(The Terrifics, Black Hammer), Eisner, Harvey Award nominee Ray Fawkes (Batman: Eternal), and astonishing artist Renato Guedes (X-O MANOWAR) combine their talents for a one-shot issue witnessing the birth of […]

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