Tag: Valiant

Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #5

SHADOWMAN #5Written by CULLEN BUNNArt by JON DAVIS-HUNTColors by JORDIE BELLAIRELetters by CLAYTON COWLESCover A by JON DAVIS-HUNTCover B by JONATHAN MARKS BARRAVECCHIAPre-order Cover by ADAM POLLINA DEADSIDE WAR begins here as terror takes over the Valiant Universe! The critically acclaimed series returns as master of horror Cullen Bunn unleashes a twisted tale for Shadowman and Deadside… Featuring haunting artwork by rising […]

Pullbox Previews: X-O Manowar #8 – Aric battles Valiant’s Tony Stark

Can X-O MANOWAR escape the singularity and save the world? Billionaire tech genius Troy Whitaker’s scheme to infiltrate the X-O MANOWAR armor and lock away Aric of Dacia while overthrowing Shanhara has come to fruition. Now, with entire countries being overran by a swarm of nanotechnology called the singularity, it’s up to X-O MANOWAR to break free and stop […]

The Harbinger is coming in October

THE HARBINGER #1Written by COLLIN KELLY, JACKSON LANZINGArt by ROBBI RODRIGUEZColors by RICO RENZILetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by ROBBI RODRIGUEZCover B by ROD REISCover C by CRIS DELARAPre-order Cover by DAMION SCOTTBlank Cover also available1:250 Metal Variant to be revealed soon Can you make the world better if you can’t be better? A telepath with no memory. A city of superpowered teenagers suppressed. Redemption. […]

Valiant gives readers Bloodshot #0 as intro to upcoming movie

Before Vin Diesel’s Bloodshot hits theaters on February 21st, 2020, the explosive BLOODSHOT #0 will offer the perfect introduction to Valiant’s supersoldier! New York Times best-selling writer TIM SEELEY (Grayson) is joined by the incredible artist MARC LAMING (Planet Hulk) to unleash a gripping adventure that reveals the origin of Bloodshot’s brand-new mission. BLOODSHOT #0 will also serve as the 150th issue of BLOODSHOT ever […]

Pullbox Previews: Fallen World #2

Savage sword fights, rampaging robot dinosaurs, and an unrelenting army of… blood soldiers?! FALLEN WORLD #2 (of 5) transports you to the ferocious world of 4002 A.D. as a cyborg samurai and an immortal fighter struggle to strike down an immensely powerful foe. How can they defeat a virtually unstoppable enemy… or are they simply delaying the inevitable? Written by DAN ABNETTArt […]

Valiant Conjures up new Doctor Mirage Series!

A brand-new DOCTOR MIRAGE series will be conjured by Eisner Award-nominated writer Magdalene “Mags” Visaggio (Eternity Girl), artist Nick Robles (Euthanauts), Eisner Award-nominated colorist Jordie Bellaire (The Vision), and letterer Dave Sharpe (Harley Quinn)!  How do you solve the case of your own death? Paranormal detective Doctor Shan Fong Mirage had the ability to see and talk to the dead. Except the dead have […]

Pullbox Previews: Psi-Lords #1

Valiant Entertainment is proud to release the first 10 pages of PSI-LORDS #1, the sensational sci-fi ongoing series by Fred Van Lente (Weapon X) and Renato Guedes (Action Comics)! In the preview, four astronauts awake in an otherworldly prison with no memory of how they got there and quickly discover they have incredible abilities. What is their connection to the powerful […]

Pullbox Previews: Bloodshot Rising Spirit #7

Story by ELIOT RAHAL and KEVIN GREVIOUXScript by ELIOT RAHALArt by RAGS MORALESColors by ANDREW DALHOUSELetters by SIMON BOWLANDCover A by RENATO GUEDESCover B by AJ JOTHIKUMARCover C by VERONICA FISH A rogue Project Rising Spirit agent is trying to finally show Bloodshot his true origin. Will they succeed? The mastermind behind Bloodshot’s memory implants revealed! Project Rising Spirit is under attack! Who […]

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