Tag: Valiant

Archer & Armstrong are Forever! (aren’t they?)

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1Written by STEVE FOXEArt by MARCIO FIORITOColors by ALEX GUIMARAESLetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by BERNARD CHANGCover B by DAVID TALASKICover C by DAN HIPPPre-order Cover by RO STEIN/TED BRANDT The triumphant return of Valiant’s best besties! When Armstrong seemingly loses his immortality, Archer refuses to let his best buddy go gentle into that good night. But when you […]

Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #8 – The End of the Deadside War!

SHADOWMAN #8Written by CULLEN BUNNArt by PEDRO ANDREOColors by JORDIE BELLAIRELetters by CLAYTON COWLESCover A by JON DAVIS-HUNTHorror Movie Homage Variant Cover by CLAUDIA IANICELLOPre-order Cover by MICO SUAYAN Shadowman, with the assistance of Punk Mambo and the Abettors, fights to stop Deadside as the blights get closer to covering all of Earth. Valiant’s mightiest heroes are caught up in her wake. […]

Pullbox Previews: The Harbinger #6 – Faith vs The Harbinger!

THE HARBINGER #6Written by COLLIN KELLY, JACKSON LANZINGArt by ROBBI RODRIGUEZColors by RICO RENZILetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by ROBBI RODRIGUEZCover B by MARGUERITE SAUVAGEPre-order Cover by CASEY PARSONS The war for Chicago begins! It’s FAITH vs THE HARBINGER — PSIOT CITY vs THE RENEGADE — BLAM vs… everyone! Can Peter Stanchek save a city when everyone he knows has their knives […]

Armorclads are on the March!

ARMORCLADS #1Written by JJ O’CONNOR & BRIAN BUCCELLATOArt by MANUEL GARCÍAInks by RAÜL FERNÁNDEZColors by REX LOKUSLetters by DAVE SHARPECover A by BAGUS HUTOMOVariant Covers by MARCO MASTRAZZO & JEREMY ROBERTSPre-order Cover by KAEL NGUDistressed Metal 1/250 Variant by LIVIO RAMONDELLI, designed by TRAVIS ESCARFULLERY Explore a brand new corner of the Valiant Universe! In a different solar system, advanced mechs known as Armorclads are […]

Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #7

SHADOWMAN #7Written by CULLEN BUNNArt by JON DAVIS-HUNTColors by JORDIE BELLAIRELetters by CLAYTON COWLESCover A by JON DAVIS-HUNTHorror Movie Homage Variant Cover by DAN BRERETONPre-order Cover by CHRISTIAN WARD The world has been invaded. The Deadside spills through. Shadowman, Punk Mambo, Alyssa and the Arbettors struggle to keep the horrors of the Deadside at bay, but are they in a losing battle? […]

Three new series coming from Valiant

 THE YEAR OF VALIANT, a year-long campaign focused on putting fans first with each and every comic, continues to explore deeper into the iconic Valiant shared universe with three brand-new titles: BOOK OF SHADOWS, BLOODSHOT UNLEASHED, and X-O MANOWAR UNCONQUERED. Promo Art by Riccardo Latina & Nick Filardi SHADOWMAN. PUNK MAMBO. ETERNAL WARRIOR. DOCTOR MIRAGE. And [CLASSIFIED]. The supernatural protectors of […]

Pullbox Previews: Harbinger #5

THE HARBINGER #5Written by COLLIN KELLY, JACKSON LANZINGArt by ROBBI RODRIGUEZColors by RICO RENZILetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by ROBBI RODRIGUEZCover B by ISAAC GOODHARTPre-order Connecting Cover by IBRAHIM MOUSTAFA Peter tries to protect Psiot City and encounters a terrifying nightmare monster that seems hauntingly familiar. Featuring FAITH! On sale FEBRUARY 23rd | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #6 – The Return of Punk Mambo!

SHADOWMAN #6Written by CULLEN BUNNArt by JON DAVIS-HUNTColors by JORDIE BELLAIRELetters by CLAYTON COWLESCover A by JON DAVIS-HUNTHorror Movie Homage Variant Cover by ADAM GORHAMPre-order Cover by PEDRO ANDREO When the horrors from the Deadside spill into the world of the living, Shadowman is going to need some back up… …PUNK MAMBO returns! On sale February 16th | 32 pages, full color | […]

The Return of Archer & Armstrong!

ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #1 marks the eagerly anticipated return of Valiant Entertainment’s fan-favorite and adventurous duo. When the carefree, hard-drinking, and immortal Aram Anni-Padda, a.k.a. Armstrong, seemingly loses his ability to heal from any wound and believes his days as an immortal are finally coming to an end, his young and optimistic best friend Obadiah Archer will travel the world […]

The hits keep coming for the Harbinger!

THE HARBINGER #4Written by COLLIN KELLY, JACKSON LANZINGArt by ROBBI RODRIGUEZColors by RICO RENZILetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by ROBBI RODRIGUEZCover B by CLAUDIA IANNICIELLOPre-order Connecting Cover by DAMION SCOTT It’s the Harbinger vs. the Renegade. Peter confronts his past, but will it destroy him in the process? On sale JANUARY 26th | 32 pages, full color | $3.99 US | T+

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