Tag: Valiant Comics

Pullbox Reviews: The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong #9- Seriously, Florida, WTH?

The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong #9 Valiant Written by Rafer Roberts Pencils by Mike Norton Colors by Allen Passalaqua Letters by Dave Sharpe ALL-NEW ARC! ALL-NEW JUMPING-ON POINT! “ANDROMEDA ESTRANGED” starts here! At long last, Valiant’s gallant adventurers have finally located Armstrong’s long-missing wife…in that dreaded land that dare not speak its name: Florida! […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong #1- The Duo Puts the “Fun” back in “Dysfunction”…

The Adventures of Archer & Armstrong #1 Valiant Comics Written by Rafer Roberts Art by David Lafuente (pencils) & Ryan Winn (inks) Colors by Brian Reber GET SMASHED…OR BE SMASHED! Valiant’s (somewhat) dynamic duo are going “IN THE BAG” for AN ALL-NEW ONGOING SERIES from rising star Rafer Roberts and comic book superstar David Lafuente! […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage Second Lives #1 – a rebirth of an old series

The Death-Defying Doctor Mirage: Second Lives #1 (of 4) Written by Jen van Meter Art by Roberto De La Torre Colors by David Baron Letters by Dave Lanphear Valiant Comics On sale December 23 In time, even the dead may die…and, now, after multiple 2015 Harvey Award nominations, the most sought-after couple in comics returns […]

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