Tag: Valiant Comics

Pullbox Previews: The Forgotten Queen #4

THE FORGOTTEN QUEEN #4 (of 4)Written by TINI HOWARD Art by AMILCAR PINNAColors by ULISES ARREOLALetters by JEFF POWELLCover A by KANOCover B by VIKTOR KALVACHEVCover C by HANNAH TEMPLEROn sale May 29th, 2019$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | Full Color  Vexana’s true origin story is revealed! How does it change the history of the Valiant Universe? You thought you had family drama? Try being an […]

Pullbox Previews: Livewire #7

Livewire’s one of the most powerful psiots on the planet, but she doesn’t need powers to kick butt. As she searches for the truth, she’s brought face to face with Jada, and what happens next is a real jaw-dropper. Get ready for melee mayhem in LIVEWIRE #7! Written by VITA AYALAArt by KANOLetters by SAIDA TEMOFONTECover A by KENNETH ROCAFORTCover B by FRANCIS […]

Pullbox Previews: The Life and Death of Toyo Harada #4 – The Empty Man

THE LIFE AND DEATH OF TOYO HARADA #4 (of 6)Written by JOSHUA DYSARTArt by CAFU, DIEGO YAPURColors by ANDREW DALHOUSELetters by DAVE SHARPECover A by MICO SUAYANCover B by KEN LASHLEYCover C by NEN CHANGPre-Order Edition Cover by CAFU Wait, did THAT really just happen in the last issue? Oh, man… Can Toyo’s team recover or will they ever be the same […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #4 – Let the final battle begin!

INCURSION #4 (of 4)Story by ANDY DIGGLE and ALEX PAKNADELScript by ALEX PAKNADEL Art by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RENATO GUEDESB/W Cover by DOUG BRAITHWAITEOn sale May 22nd, 2019$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | Full Color   It’s time for the boss battle: Eternal Warrior vs. Imperatrix Virago! Young Tama’s life hangs in the balance during […]

Valiant Comics Solicitations July ’19

KILLERS #1 (of 4)Written by B. CLAY MOOREArt by FERNANDO DAGNINOCover A by JONBOY MEYERSCover B by DIEGO BERNARDCover C by KEN LASHLEYPre-Order Edition Coverby WHILCE PORTACIOBlank Cover Also Available Five deadly assassins are recruited into a game of cat and mouse by their former sensei, the mysterious Jonin! But what does the Jonin want from them, and what do they gain […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #2

INCURSION #2Written by ALEX PAKNADELStory by ANDY DIGGLE & ALEX PAKNADELArt by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RYAN BODENHEIMB/W Cover C by DOUG BRAITHWAITEPre-order Edition Cover by TONCI ZONJIC There is only one world left to conquer… Entire planets have suffered and died at the cold, close-fisted hands of the alien Imperatrix Virago—and now her gruesome sights are set on […]

Valiant Solicitations April ’19

PUNK MAMBO #1 (of 5)Written by CULLEN BUNNArt by ADAM GORHAMCover Aby DAN BRERETONCover B by ZU ORZUCover C by CRIS DELARAPunk Variant Cover by DAN BRERETONBlank Cover Also Available New series, new digs, same Punk attitude! From writer Cullen Bunn (Venom) and artist Adam Gorham (New Mutants: Dead Souls) comes this hilariously horrifying tale. Punk Mambo is a hard-living voodoo priestess […]

Pullbox Previews: Shadowman #11

SHADOWMAN #11Written by ANDY DIGGLEArt by RENATO GUEDESCover A by TONCI ZONJICCover B by KERON GRANTCover C by JOHN BIVENSInterlocking Variant by RYAN LEE  The final showdown! At long last, Shadowman is unbound…and it couldn’t have come at a worse time! Finally free from the Boniface lineage after generations of torment, the loa that once shared its gifts with Jack Boniface […]

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