Tag: Uncanny Avengers

Pullbox Previews: More New Series – New Avengers, Spider-Man 2099, Uncanny Avengers & Spider-Gwen!

This October – the old order changeth, and everything is new! Today, Marvel is pleased to present your look inside NEW AVENGERS #1 – the new ongoing series from Al Ewing and Gerardo Sandoval! Bobby DaCosta a.k.a. Sunspot, now the leader of formerly evil super-science organization A.I.M. is about to change the world. And that […]

Pullbox Previews: Uncanny Avengers #24 – The March to Axis Continues…

There’s a storm brewing in Genosha. A dark secret that is about to be revealed as the thrilling lead-up to Avengers & X-Men: AXIS continues inUNCANNY AVENGERS #24! What is happening behind the closed doors of the once proud mutant haven? Be there when blockbuster creators Rick Remender and Salvador Larroca expose the dark secrets of the […]

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