Tag: tongue-in-cheek

Pullbox Presents an Advance Review of Space… um, is that really the title? Okaaay… Space Negro!

There are a lot of people who don’t think that the movie Blazing Saddles could (or should) be made these days. Personally, I think that there will always be an audience with the intelligence and awareness to “get it”, to appreciate the way slapstick humor can be used to reflect and defuse social commentary. It’s […]

Pullbox Previews Miskatonic High #15- H.P. Lovecraft meets John Hughes, now live on Kickstarter

Miskatonic High #15– “The bastard lovechild of John Hughes & HP Lovecraft” (as previously covered on thePullbox) returns! Welcome back to Miskatonic High, the comic series about the teens who take on creepy tentacled monsters and their small-town high school…they’re just not sure which is worse. In the rustic hills of a small New England town […]

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