Tag: Titan

Pullbox Previews – Doctor Who : Four Doctors #1 + Cover Gallery!

5-part weekly event written by Paul Cornell and illustrated by Neil Edwards, stars Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors and their comics companions! The weekly event, running through August and September 2015, in place of the ongoing series, features all three Doctors from Titan’s regular ongoings. This epic event is the thrilling next chapter in Titan Comics’ bombastic Doctor Who […]

Titan Comics Launch Rivers Of London Comic – Based On The Hit Novels By Ben Aaronovitch

Titan Comics is pleased to announce the launch of all-new Rivers of London comics, based on the best-selling novels by Ben Aaronovitch.   Titan will be releasing a 5-part comic series penned by Aaronovitch (Remembrance of the Daleks) and Doctor Who showrunner Andrew Cartmel with art from Lee Sullivan (Doctor Who Comics).   The novels follow […]

Pullbox Previews: Doctor Who – The Twelfth Doctor #7

DOCTOR WHO: THE TWELFTH DOCTOR #7 Writer: Robbie Morrison | Artist: Brian Williamson | Colorist: Hi-Fi 32pp | FC | $3.99 ‘The Fractures’ Part 2On our Earth, UNIT scientist John Foster was killed in an accident… but in a parallel universe, his wife and daughter were killed, while that world’s John Foster survived. One thought kept that John going through […]

Pullbox Previews – Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #8 The Infinite Astronaut!

Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #8 STORY BY: Al Ewing ART BY: Warren Pleece COVER A BY: ​Boo Cook PUBLISHER: ​Titan Comics PAGECOUNT: ​32 COVER PRICE: ​$3.99 RELEASE DATE: ​Wednesday, February​ 11, 2015 TO INFINITY AND BACK TO END A COSMIC WAR! Interstellar dogfights still rage in the skies over London! When Alice is forced into a high-stakes solo challenge […]

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