Tag: Thompson

Pullbox Previews: Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1

Because sometimes, just one Sorcerer Supreme won’t do! This October, Stephen Strange multiplies his mystic might by teaming with magicians from across time in DOCTOR STRANGE AND THE SORCERERS SUPREME #1 – the new ongoing series launching as part of Marvel NOW!. Fan-favorite creators Robbie Thompson (Silk, Venom: Space Knight) and Javier Rodriguez (Spider-Woman, Daredevil) […]

IDW’s Newest Creator-Owned Series “Satellite Falling” Debuts This May

 Satellite Falling, the latest original series on the horizon from IDW Publishing, kicks off this May, a month replete with creator-owned launches from the publisher. The sci-fi-themed crime drama introduces readers to unique aliens, settings, and characters, wildly imagined by writer Steve Horton (Amala’s Blade), beautifully rendered by artist Stephen Thompson (Star Trek,Brooklyn Animal Control), with vibrant coloring by Lisa Jackson (Angel). Satellite Falling tells the […]

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