Tag: The Raid

Pullbox Previews: The Raid #1 coming from Titan Comics

TITAN ANNOUNCES THE CREATIVE TEAM ON THE RAID COMICS! An all-new comic series based on the popular martial-arts blockbuster, written by Ollie Masters and Alex Paknadel! Titan Comics are thrilled to announce that writers Ollie Masters (The Kitchen) and Alex Paknadel (Assassin’s Creed: Uprising) are teaming up with artists Budi Setiawan (Rex Royd, Savage Dragon) […]

Titan Comics to publish The Raid

Titan Comics are thrilled to announce that The Raid is punching its way into comic books, in late 2016. Titan is working closely with the director Gareth Evans (The Raid, The Raid 2) and XYZ Films to develop all-new stories featuring characters from the series. Premiering in 2011, Indonesian martial-arts movie The Raid (also known […]

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