Tag: The Harbinger

Pullbox Previews: The Harbinger #6 – Faith vs The Harbinger!

THE HARBINGER #6Written by COLLIN KELLY, JACKSON LANZINGArt by ROBBI RODRIGUEZColors by RICO RENZILetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by ROBBI RODRIGUEZCover B by MARGUERITE SAUVAGEPre-order Cover by CASEY PARSONS The war for Chicago begins! It’s FAITH vs THE HARBINGER — PSIOT CITY vs THE RENEGADE — BLAM vs… everyone! Can Peter Stanchek save a city when everyone he knows has their knives […]

The Harbinger is coming in October

THE HARBINGER #1Written by COLLIN KELLY, JACKSON LANZINGArt by ROBBI RODRIGUEZColors by RICO RENZILetters by HASSAN OTSMANE-ELHAOUCover A by ROBBI RODRIGUEZCover B by ROD REISCover C by CRIS DELARAPre-order Cover by DAMION SCOTTBlank Cover also available1:250 Metal Variant to be revealed soon Can you make the world better if you can’t be better? A telepath with no memory. A city of superpowered teenagers suppressed. Redemption. […]

The Harbinger Returns in 2021

Ahead of the feature film that’s in development at Paramount, Valiant Entertainment is incredibly proud to reveal the vivid new direction that will kick off next summer with THE HARBINGER #1. Co-written by JACKSON LANZING and COLLIN KELLY (Green Arrow, Gotham City Garage) and featuring art by ROBBI RODRIGUEZ (Spider-Gwen, Batgirl), the upcoming series introduces new readers to Peter Stanchek, the most powerful telepath on the […]

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