Tag: Tarzan

Gail Simone… Red Sonja… Tarzan… ‘Nuff Said

Dynamite Entertainment is proud to announce that the acclaimed Red Sonja creative team of Gail Simone and Walter Geovani will reunite for the first-ever crossover between the Hyrkanian warrior and Edgar Rice Burroughs’ legendary Lord of the Jungle, Tarzan. Debuting its first issue in May, the Red Sonja / Tarzan series not only delivers high-stakes adventure to genre fans, but […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Greatest Adventure 1 – Perfect Summer Read

The Greatest Adventure #1 Writer: Bill Willingham Art: Cezar Razek Colors: Daniela Miwa Letters: Taylor Esposito Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Available: April 19, 2017 Summer is a time for adventure. As a kid, my friends and I discovered the mysteries of a nearby wood that bordered a swamp, looking for all manner of flora and fauna. […]

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