Tag: Steve De La Mare

Pullbox Previews AL15 volume 2: Broken Dreams- Through the Looking Glass with a stylish Sci Fi twist

Sequel to the highly acclaimed ALI5: The Adventure Begins ALI5 has arrived on Somnium Terram (Dream Land) to find her way home but has been captured and thrown into a surreal world of Augmented Reality. Guarded by AI and surrounded by Dragons, ALI5 has only a limited time to escape before her real world caves […]

Pullbox Reviews AL15: The Adventure Begins- ‘Through the Looking Glass’, in space!

AL15 Markosia Enterprises Written & Illustrated by Steve De La Mare Now available for pre-orders! Moon farming communities supply food to the neighboring planet. Everyone knows their place in life. Everyone except AL15. AL15 is a 15th generation young Cropper from the moon and wants at least one adventure in her lifetime. She never expected […]

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