Tag: Sonic the Hedgehog

Happy 30th Anniversary Sonic!

IDW Publishing and SEGA® of America, Inc. announced a special comic book collaboration celebrating 30 years of the video game sensation-turned-pop culture icon, Sonic the Hedgehog™. Timed to the speedster’s 30th trip around the sun this June, IDW will release the Sonic the Hedgehog 30th Anniversary Special, a super-sized 80-page comic book featuring three tales […]

Pullbox Previews: Sonic the Hedgehog #286 – Panic in the Sky Concludes!

SONIC THE HEDGEHOG #286 “Panic in the Sky” Part Three: The finale to the “Shattered World Saga” is reaching a fevered pitch!  Sonic battles Dr. Eggman in a desperate bid to rescue Chip!  The Freedom Fighters invade Eggman’s refinery against impossible odds!  Rotor flies the Sky Patrol into a no-win battle with the Death Egg!  […]

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