Follow a beautifully tattooed barista named Amarella across four vignettes that are blended through this slice-of-life comic book set in a coffee shop with a cyberpunk backdrop. These robust tales will warm your heart like a fresh batch of java poured into your favorite morning mug. Step inside and enjoy! “It’s a great day at […]
Tag: slice-of-life
Pullbox Previews Caffeinated Hearts – A slice-of-life cyberpunk anthology as seen through the eyes of Amarella, our barista supreme
Follow a beautifully tattooed barista named Amarella across four vignettes that are blended through this slice-of-life comic book set in a coffee shop with a cyberpunk backdrop. These robust tales will warm your heart like a fresh batch of java poured into your favorite morning mug. Step inside and enjoy! Writer: Jonathan Hedrick – […]