Tag: Simone di Meo

Pullbox Reviews: We Only Find Them When They’re Dead is Alive & Kicking!

Ewing and Di Meo set us up with a seriously cool concept, taking the standard futuristic, deep-space, Earth’s screwed so we have to scavenge our sustenance elsewhere under the all-seeing eye of a controlling government trope and adding a unique spin to it, one fraught with all kinds of potential for world—nay, universe—building and religio-philosophical theorizing. (13/13)

Pullbox Reviews: MMPR / TMNT #4 – It’s Mutant Ninja Morphin Time!

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #4 (of 5) Boom! Studios & IDW Written by Ryan Parrott Illustrated by Simone di Meo Colors by Walter Baiamonte With Igor Monti Letters by Ed Dukeshire Available 3-18-2020 We know how this is all going to go. Rita Repulsa and the Shredder have joined forces to take […]


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 10 SC Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artist: Simone di Meo Colorist: Walter Baiamonte Letterer: Ed Dukeshire Cover Artist: Jamal Campbell Price: $16.99 Available 01-29-2020 THE STUNNING CONCLUSION TO BEYOND THE GRID! The Solar Rangers – an all-new Power Rangers team unlike any other – have defied the villainous […]

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