Tag: Silva

Pullbox Previews: Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #4

Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #4 writer:   Amy Chu  |  artist: Maria Sanapo, Ivan F. Silva, David Anton, Mohan FC  |  32 pages  |  Crossover Adventure  |  $3.99  |   Teen+  With the investigation at a dead end, Betty and Veronica split over what to do next. Red Sonja decides to take matters […]

Pullbox Reviews: Grimm Fairy Tales #1 (Paul’s Review) – Old story, New spin…

Grimm Fairy Tales #1 Zenescope Written by Joe Brusha Pencils by Ediano Silva Colors by Ivan Nunes Available 12-28-2016 Comic book and graphic novel publisher Zenescope Entertainment is excited to announce that Grimm Fairy Tales, the company’s flagship series, returns this December. Grimm Fairy Tales is the cornerstone of Zenescope’s Grimm Universe and its evolution […]

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