Tag: short stories

Kickstarter Spotlight on Elsewhere 2- a genre crossing anthology, featuring creators from around the globe…

Elsewhere 2, a Comics Anthology Elsewhere is a lovingly curated anthology of short pieces by independent creators from all over the world. Genres, styles, moods, and interpretations of reality shift very quickly across more than two hundred and fifty pages of gorgeous art and smart storytelling. The end result is a wild ride at the speed of […]

Pullbox Previews: Two Star Wars books for every collector, coming soon from Titan Comics

Gaze upon the glory of these two special collectible books, coming from Titan Comics: On sale March 9th, 2021… Star Wars: Age of Resistance, the official Collector’s Edition The Star Wars: The Age of Resistance Trilogy Special is the ultimate journey through the productions of The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi and The Rise of […]

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