Tag: Science

Pullbox Previews Jackson’s Wilder Adventures volume 1: Habits & Habitats

Synopsis: Jackson Wilder and his best friend Irwin the Thylacine explore nature to learn about wild animals who share similar hindrances and experiences to Jackson, which helps him put his own life problems into perspective. Writer/Artist – Sarah Davidson Sarah Davidson is a comic book illustrator and colorist from Savannah, GA currently working on her […]

Crowd Funding Spotlight on Aerobicide/Lucy Chapman- The Extreme Ninja Workout meets the Science Starlet… for a great cause!

Punk rock zombies vs. bodacious babes and all for a good cause! (From the IndieGoGo campaign page) Everybody knows the last year has been filled with unprecedented challenges.  It felt like Covid-19 changed the world overnight and we all were just in a rush to keep up with those changes.  Some of us were hit […]

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