Tag: Sci Fi Fantasy

Pullbox Previews Rising Star #1 kicks off a new chapter of the Star Runner Chronicles

January 20, 2022 Atlantis Studios announced today the release of Rising Star #1, the first issue of an ambitious new four-volume continuation of the Star Runner Chronicles saga. Rising Star is the second sequel to the science fiction graphic novel Fallen Star (2021) and Dark Star (2022), which introduced readers to Aurora Palmer, a rebellious […]

Pullbox Previews Horizon: Zero Dawn- the Ultimate Cyberdinosaur Hunters Guide…

HORIZON ZERO DAWN #1 FIRST ORIGINAL COMIC SET IN THE WORLD OF THE BESTSELLING PLAYSTATION 4 GAME! Titan’s new Horizon Zero Dawn comic book series – co-created by Anne Toole, one of the writers of Horizon Zero Dawn, with artwork by fan-favorite artist Ann Maulina – takes place after the events of the game as Talanah, […]

Pullbox Reviews: Rumble Kings #1 – Trolls, Blasters, & a BIG Friggin Axe…

Rumble Kings #1 Skeletal Press Created & Written by Ryan Cummins Art by William Allan Reyes Inks (pages 1-9) by Nelson E. Malta Colors by DC Alonso Letters by Toben Racicot After hundreds of years of war, humanity has begun to rebuild. Now the remaining pockets of civilization remain confined behind gigantic walls, safe from […]

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