Tag: Revenge

Pullbox Indie Spotlight on Cosmic Lion Productions- Explore the Cosmic Lion Galaxy, starting with these treasures coming in April

STAN VS. JACK: HOW TO FEUD THE MARVEL WAY  LEADS A WAVE OF NEW TITLES FROM COSMIC LION PRODUCTIONS! In a future ravaged by Alien Invasion, Mysterious rebellion Soldier TRADD, The Blades of Vengeance himself, was tasked with stopping an evil alien plot, but not before the Prometheans were able to zap the strange asset […]

Pullbox Previews Immortal Coil #1- Norse myth meets eldritch horror… A second Ragnarok is coming soon to Kickstarter

Immortal Coil is where Norse saga meets Eldritch horror, a mythological horror noir comic written and illustrated by Gerald Von Stoddard, Colored by Guilherme Lindemberg, and lettered by Rob Jones, opening with the premise… What if Ragnarok was a hoax? The story reimagines the cast of Gods of Norse mythology in a modern world. A […]

Pullbox Previews Mugshots #1- Kidnapping, revenge, and the best worst uncle in the world, coming in May from Mad Cave

FEB. 13, 2024, (PITTSBURGH, PA) — Revenge, Redemption, and the ties that bind… History will repeat itself unless you do better than those that came before you. Announcing the forthcoming Mad Cave Studios English crime series, MUGSHOTS, written by Jordan Thomas (Frank At Home On The Farm), with inks and colors by Berlin-based artist Chris […]

Pullbox Previews Hunt. Kill. Repeat. vol 1- No Gods. No Masters. Only Revenge, from Mad Cave Studios

It’s Kill Bill meets Clash of the Titans in Hunt. Kill. Repeat. (issue 1 reviewed here) the all-new, action packed series by Mark London (Battlecats, Knights of the Golden Sun). When the Greek gods invade Earth, society is quickly forced to comply with their new rulers. However, one god, Artemis, rejects her brethren’s ideology and […]

Pullbox Previews Hunt. Kill. Repeat. #2- The Percy Jackson/Kill Bill mashup you need, from Mad Cave

After being held captive and unconscious for a decade, Artemis has escaped thanks to a little help from an old friend. Now, her sister Aphrodite is hot on her trail as Zeus has ordered his other children to take out their sister before she gets revenge for taking away everything she ever loved. Hunt. Kill. […]

Pullbox Reviews Hunt. Kill. Repeat- Mad Cave Studios takes the revenge story to mythological heights

It’s Kill Bill meets Clash of the Titans in Hunt. Kill. Repeat. The all-new, action packed series by Mark London (Battlecats, Knights of the Golden Sun). When the Greek gods invade Earth, society is quickly forced to comply with their new rulers. However, one god, Artemis, rejects her brethren’s ideology and has found solace in […]

Pullbox Previews: Periwinkle, Holiday Horror now on Kickstarter!

Horror and Fantasy collide in 80+ page Christmas themed Graphic Novel  Horror and fantasy collide in a brand new graphic novel billed to be the slaughterfest of the season! Grab your reindeers and Santa sacks comic book fans, because dark Christmas fantasy graphic novel – PERIWINKLE – is dashing into view of Kickstarter. A creepy […]

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