Pullbox Reviews: Broken Gargoyles #1- Action, a gas mask, & a trip to the circus…

Broken Gargoyles #1 Source Point Press Written by Bob Salley Illustrated by Stan Yak Colors by Marco Pagnotta & Robert Nugent Letters by Justin Birch Cover by Raymond Gay (pencils) Jeremy Clark (inks) Juan Fernandez (colors) Rich Bloom (logo) Edited by Drena Jo In this Dieselpunk post-WWI mini-series, two men come home from the war […]

Pullbox Reviews: Harden Vol. 1 – Violent Action With Underlying Commentary

Harden vol 1: Sin Piedad Europe Comics Written and Illustrated by Joaquim Diaz Lettering by Sylvain Dumas Translation by Lara Vergnaud Ismaël seems like a regular nice-guy fallen on hard times. He’s living with his adoring sister and her son following his return from his posting in Iraq. But he has a dark past with […]

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