Tag: Previews

Pullbox Previews Titan Comics’ Highlights in December

Please see below for Titan Comics December comics and graphic novel highlights, covering releases throughout December. Titan’s December Highlights… AFRO SAMURAI VOL. 1 Writer/Artist: Takashi OkazakiPublisher: Titan Manga176 pages, SC, $19.99 US, £14.99 UK, ISBN: 9781787739000On sale: December 13, 2022 (US) In a feudal, futuristic Japan, samurai battle to become No.1 and rule the world, but when […]

Pullbox Previews great works on Kickstarter

Girls Have a Blog by Sarah Bollinger & Tara Kurtzhals – launching 8/02 Twitter: @SwordsofThorns; @RocketshipEnt  The ultimate collection of the hit webcomic! In 2013, Sarah Bollinger and Tara Kurtzhals laid on the floor in their college dorm talking about their future as comic book artists.They were a living breathing buddy comedy, Sarah the outwardly […]

Pullbox Previews Kong: Gods of Skull Island #1

Kong: Gods of Skull Island #1 Publisher: BOOM! Studios Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Artist: Chad Lewis Cover Artists: Main Cover: Jeremy Wilson Incentive Cover: Tyler Jenkins Price: $3.99 Synopsis: In this stand-alone Kong story, the year is 1912, and a wealthy humanitarian has travelled to Skull Island with the purpose of civilizing the native Tagatu […]

Judging A Book By The Cover!

A new Pullbox Feature from writer Chris Keefe: Covers of the Month! There are like thousands of comics listed in Previews each month, how do you choose? So getting to the point in a round about way. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Previews, it is Diamond Comics Distributors monthly catalog. Diamond Comics […]

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