Tag: Powell

Pullbox Previews: The Forgotten Queen #4

THE FORGOTTEN QUEEN #4 (of 4)Written by TINI HOWARD Art by AMILCAR PINNAColors by ULISES ARREOLALetters by JEFF POWELLCover A by KANOCover B by VIKTOR KALVACHEVCover C by HANNAH TEMPLEROn sale May 29th, 2019$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | Full Color  Vexana’s true origin story is revealed! How does it change the history of the Valiant Universe? You thought you had family drama? Try being an […]

Pullbox Previews: Fallen World #2

Savage sword fights, rampaging robot dinosaurs, and an unrelenting army of… blood soldiers?! FALLEN WORLD #2 (of 5) transports you to the ferocious world of 4002 A.D. as a cyborg samurai and an immortal fighter struggle to strike down an immensely powerful foe. How can they defeat a virtually unstoppable enemy… or are they simply delaying the inevitable? Written by DAN ABNETTArt […]

Pullbox Previews: Will Eisner’s The Spirit #8

Will Eisner’s The Spirit #8 writer: Matt Wagner artist: Dan Schkade, Brennan Wagner (Colorist) cover: Eric Powell incentive cover: Eric Powell (“virgin art”) FC • 32 pages • $3.99 • Teen+  The Spirit and his comrades continue their search to uncover the secrets of the mysterious and deadly Mikado Vaas. Our blue-masked hero’s quest brings […]

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