Slightly Exaggerated is a new comic book series written by Curtis Clow (Beastlands, The Wild Cosmos) with art by Pius Bak (The Magicians: Alice’s Story, Adventure Time) and letters by Toben Racicot (Sidequest). In Slightly Exaggerated, a dying girl must steal back a sacred artifact from a crazed cult leader in a world where religion […]
Tag: Pius Bak
Firefly: The Sting… or Saffron’s Revenge!
In The Sting, we’ve got an interesting caper side-story featuring the ubiquitous Yo-Saff-Bridge and her cadre of not-terribly-happy-to-participate female compatriots. To what should be the shock of absolutely no one who’s ever read or watched the series, Saffron has once again infiltrated her way into the world of Serenity…and she aims to misbehave. This time, though, she’s not set her sights on Mal, or any of the other boys. Rather, she’s targeting a gigantic diamond, an exclusive convent, and the ladies of everyone’s favorite Firefly-class spacecraft. And if she can prevail upon a healthy dose of vengeance on the way? Well, she’s not one to complain.