Tag: Pinsoneault

Pullbox Reviews: Mister Marsh #1- Prepare for Daring Heroics, Classically Told…

Mister Marsh #1 819 Comics! Created, Written, Penciled, Inked… (deep breath) … Colored, & Lettered by Nathan & Stacie Pinsoneault Now available in trade paperback… HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO TO SAVE A LIFE? Macon Marshall, an everyday, ordinary farmhand finds himself trapped in a fatal fire with his trusted friend, Madeline “Maddy” Maple. After […]

Pullbox Previews: Mister Marsh Vol. 1 – An Indie Superhero Comic from 819 Comics

Mister Marsh vol 1 819 Comics by Nathan & Stacie Pinsoneault With introduction by Dyrk Ashton Macon Marshall, an everyday, ordinary farmhand finds himself trapped in a fatal fire with his trusted friend, Madeline “Maddy” Maple. After Macon suddenly vanishes without a trace, Maddy is left as the only survivor and the only one capable […]

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