Tag: Patreon

Pullbox Reviews: Folklore – Struggling to survive in a world where superheroes have become supermonsters…

Folklore Written by Adam Ma Art by Colin Tan Available at FOLKLORECOMIC.COM (read online) KO-Fi.COM/34thGINGERBREAD (printed trades) Also on Patreon at PATREON.COM/FOLKLORE At the height of its power the Federation represented unity and hope for the future. It was meant to be the start of a utopia. No one could imagine the cancer eating away […]

Indie Comic Spotlight: The Omenverse… Superheroes & Dark Mythology

Omen Comics (on Patreon) (From Creator/Writer Michael Nunneley) I have wanted to make comics since I was 12 years old (1988) folding typewriter paper in half. I have been developing my writing & production skills through the decades including majoring in Creative Writing in college, creating comic stories and characters and even writing a fantasy […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Pale – A solid character-driven murder mystery…

The Pale #5 Fab-Ray Comics Story by Sanders & Jay Fabares Written by Sanders Fabares Art by Jay Fabares ThePale.com (webcomic) Support them on Patreon As the Sheriff of Rocket Ridge, Terrence Logan has it pretty easy. Speeding tickets, civil disturbances, maybe some under-age drinking- there isn’t exactly a lot of variation in his day-to-day […]

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