Tag: Paknadel

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #4 – Let the final battle begin!

INCURSION #4 (of 4)Story by ANDY DIGGLE and ALEX PAKNADELScript by ALEX PAKNADEL Art by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RENATO GUEDESB/W Cover by DOUG BRAITHWAITEOn sale May 22nd, 2019$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | Full Color   It’s time for the boss battle: Eternal Warrior vs. Imperatrix Virago! Young Tama’s life hangs in the balance during […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #2

INCURSION #2 (of 4)Story by ALEX PAKNADEL & ANDY DIGGLEScript by ALEX PAKNADELArt by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RYAN BODENHEIMB/W Cover C by DOUG BRAITHWAITEPre-order Variant Cover by TONCI ZINJICOn sale March 20, 2019  There is only one world left to conquer… Entire planets have suffered and died at the cold, close-fisted hands of the alien […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #2

INCURSION #2Written by ALEX PAKNADELStory by ANDY DIGGLE & ALEX PAKNADELArt by DOUG BRAITHWAITEColors by DIEGO RODRIGUEZLetters by MARSHALL DILLONCover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by RYAN BODENHEIMB/W Cover C by DOUG BRAITHWAITEPre-order Edition Cover by TONCI ZONJIC There is only one world left to conquer… Entire planets have suffered and died at the cold, close-fisted hands of the alien Imperatrix Virago—and now her gruesome sights are set on […]

Pullbox Previews: Incursion #1

INCURSION #1 (of 4)Written by ANDY DIGGLE & ALEX PAKNADELArt by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover A by DOUG BRAITHWAITECover B by ROBERTO DE LA TORREB/W Cover C by DOUG BRAITHWAITEBlank Cover Also AvailableOn sale February 20, 2019 Limited event series! A new villain approaches! Beyond the margins of human reason lies a realm known as the Deadside, where the souls of the dearly departed linger – and […]

Pullbox Reviews: Paknadel & Trakhanov’s Turncoat- Freedom isn’t Free…

Paknadel & Trakhanov’s Turncoat (4 issues) Boom! Studios Written by Alex Paknadel Art by Artyom Trakhanov Available now! Employing the most compelling elements of science fiction and the detective genre, Turncoat is a gripping exploration of power vacuums and the legacy of oppression. Alex Paknadel (Arcadia) and Artyom Trakhanov (Undertow) tell the story of a […]

Pullbox Reviews: Arcadia TPB from Boom!- Cyber Sci Fi done very, very Right!

Arcadia TPB Boom! Studios Written by Alex Paknadel Illustrated by Eric Scott Pfeiffer Available May 4th! In the early 21st Century, seven billion people died during a global papillomavirus outbreak. As the disease tore through communities, the world’s governments took radical action to ensure humanity’s survival: the brains of the dying were scanned, modeled, and […]

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