Tag: Oz

Pullbox Previews The Road to Oz #1, the World of Oz for a new generation of readers, now on Kickstarter

Knowledge left behind by the Wizard of Oz is being used to eliminate Dorothy in Kansas. Can the Scarecrow, the new mayor of Emerald City, be able to save his friend..and the World of Oz? A group of rogue winged monkeys, betrayed and abandoned by the Wizard of Oz, utilize technology that will enable them to travel to Kansas. To eliminate both the Wizard […]

Indie Comic Spotlight on Cthulu Invades Oz- We’re off to see the Old Ones… or… That’s a Shoggoth of a different color!

(From the Indiegogo campaign page) WELCOME TO THE BLOODY BRICK ROAD The Wizard of Oz is a timeless fantasy story known the world over. Lovecraft, and more notably Cthulhu, have been in our nightmares for more than 100 years. Comic creators have been telling stories in these worlds since the creation of the comic book. […]

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