Tag: Otero

Wolfcop TP: This checks a lot of boxes for me!

Wolfcop TP A 80’s style action story based around a “don’t give a shit” cop who happens to be a werewolf… You know you want to read it! In stores tomorrow! Dynamite Entertainment writer: Max Marks artist: Allan Otero FC  |  88 pages  |  $9.99  |   Action/Adventure  | Mature  Buy the TPB Here Ever since hard-drinking, local Woodhaven police officer Lou Garou had a late-night […]

Pullbox Previews: Zenescope – Gretel #1 & Conspiracy: Social Media

Gretel #1 Writer: Ben Meares Artwork: Allan Otero Synopsis: Gretel’s story has been more of a nightmare than a fairy tale ever since the tragic events of her childhood. These events have left her life cursed for many centuries. After her heart-wrenching debut in Grimm Universe Presents, Gretel has been gifted the power of premonition. […]

Pullbox Reviews: Van Helsing vs Robyn Hood #2 – Vampires, Criminal Empires, and lots of pointy things…

Van Helsing vs Robyn Hood #2 (of 4) Zenescope Written by Ralph Tedesco Art by Allan Otero Colors by Leonardo Paciarotti Letters by Taylor Esposito (Ghost Glyph Studios) Available Feb 07, 2018! After the events of the last issue, Robyn is infected with a powerful vampire serum that is being tested on human subjects. Now, […]

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