Tag: Orlando

Pullbox Reviews: The Shadow/Batman #2- Like Peanut Butter & Chocolate…

The Shadow/Batman #2 Dynamite Entertainment & DC Comics Written by Steve Orlando Art by Giovanni Timpano Colors by Flavio Dispenza Letters by Taylor Esposito Available November 1st, 2017 The truth of what the Shadow doesn’t know threatens to destroy his partnership with Batman and Robin just when they need him the most. Three generations of […]

Pullbox Reviews – Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam!

Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam! (DC – Orlando / Kolins / Fajardo) Today, I’ll be reviewing a comic issue that pushes quite a few of my interests, including the character focus and the idea of mythology. Here comes Justice League: Darkseid War: Shazam!, in a story titled “Mightiest” written by Steve Orlando and drawn by […]

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