Tag: Oni PRess

Pullbox Reviews: Underground, collected edition- An early look at a claustrophobic thriller

Underground Oni Press Created by Jeff Parker & Steve Lieber Written by Jeff Parker Illustrated & Lettered by Steve Lieber Colors by Ron Chan In shops September 29, 2021 Park Ranger and avid caver Wesley Fischer is on a one-woman mission to stop Stillwater Cave from being turned into a tourist trap, but public opinion […]

Pullbox Reviews: a new Choose Your Own Adventure series from Oni Press!

Choose Your Own Adventure: Eighth Grade Witch Oni Press Written by Andrew E.C. Gaska Eric L. Thomas Illustrated by Valerio Chiola Background Art by Leandro Casca Colors by Thiago Ribeiro Letters by Joamette Gil Based on the original by C.E. Simpson Available August 25, 2021 Once upon a time, before computer games brought the concept […]

Christopher Seleba and Ben Sears take on ghost hunting in Dead Dudes

Oni Press is pleased to announce the upcoming original graphic novel Dead Dudes from Christopher Sebela and Ben Sears, featuring a trio of ghost hunters who piss off the wrong bunch of ghosts, coming September 2020. Riffing on the ever popular supernatural hunter tv shows, Dead Dudes follows Trev, Kent, and Brian — three guys who are allegedly friends, but […]

Pullbox Reviews – Rick and Morty V. Dungeons and Dragons Chapter 2: Painscape

Writer: Jim Zub (@JimZub)Art: Troy Little (@meanwhilestudio)Colors: Leonardo ItoLetters: Crank!Once upon a game, Rick and Morty and the Smith family went on magical D&D adventures…Now, magical D&D adventures are coming to Earth, and no one will survive the Painscape! The pop culture juggernaut and bestselling role-playing game team up once again in an all new companion story!  I have to […]

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