Tag: Ninja

Pullbox Indie Spotlight on Ninja World #2- An original manga created for the Western market… with ninja!

Ninja World is a comic book series that tells the story of what happened to Ninja after the end of the Samurai era. When a Japanese conglomerate decides that Ninja are too useful to dispose of, they find themselves secretly deployed to various parts of the world. While under the guise of being businessmen or […]

Pullbox Reviews Ninja World U.S.A. #1- The spirit of the ninja lives on!

Ninja World USA #1 Enmaku Written by Toji Illustrated by Nobita Colors by Hayasato Mechanical Design by Kazuhiko Kakoi Translated by Frank Dowd Publisher, Shigeki Hoshino Coming soon to ComiXology & Amazon Ninja World USA tells the story of what happened to Ninja after the end of the Samurai era. When a Japanese conglomerate decides […]

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