Tag: Nancy Drew

Classic Teen Sleuths Meet Hammett-Style Noir in The Death of Nancy Drew!

Death opens with an extended intro from the perspective of Joe Hardy as he grieves the loss of his would-be-if-he’d-ever-admitted-his-feelings-but-now-she’s-dead-so-he-can’t paramour. Seems the detecting damsel took on more than she could handle, at least in Joe’s eyes: while the rest of River Heights, including Nancy’s father and even his own brother, is convinced her death (by drowning, after her car flipped into the river) was an accident, Joe is certain she was murdered. And given Drew’s penchant for trouble—specifically, causing such for River Heights’ most notorious crooks, including the Syndicate responsible for the murder of Fenton Hardy (Joe and Frank’s father, as detailed in The Big Lie)—he might just be on to something.

Pullbox Previews: Nancy Drew #1

Nancy Drew #1 writer: Kelly Thompson artist: Jenn St-Onge FC  |  32 pages  |  $3.99  |  Teen+  Nancy Drew is seventeen and good at everything…ESPECIALLY solving crimes. But her totally-in-control-and-obviously-running-perfectly- smooth-(but-not-really) life hits a snag when a mysterious message drags her back to the hometown she left behind. There she’ll have to find out which of […]

Dynamite Entertainment Presents New Nancy Drew Series!

Dynamite Entertainment proudly presents a new series, Nancy Drew, by Kelly Thompson (Hawkeye, Rogue & Gambit) and Jenn St-Onge (The Misfits, Giant Days). The teen sleuth’s latest daring adventure debuts in June, with cover variant artwork by the astonishing assemblage of Tula Lotay (All-Star Batman), Marguerite Sauvage (Bombshells), Annie Wu (Black Canary), and series artist Jenn St-Onge. In the […]

Pullbox Reviews: Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys – The Big Lie TPB

Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie TPB Writing: Anthony Del Col Art: Werther Dell’Edera Colors: Stefano Simone Letterer: Simon Bowland Collection Covers: Fay Dalton Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Available date: November 1, 2017 (buy it now!) When you try to project the perfect image, a lot of stuff gets swept under the rug. […]

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