Tag: Nahuelpan

Pullbox Reviews: Clandestino #6 – Viva la Resistance!

Clandestino #6 (of 6) Created, Written, Illustrated, and Lettered by Amancay Nahuelpan Blackmask Studios Available February 22nd at- The Black Mask Store On Kindle ComiXology Synopsis: The country of Tairona became a no man’s land after the military coup. Guerrillas were formed across the lands, and rebels unified against the dictator to resist the regime. […]

Pullbox Reviews: Young Terrorists – Hail, Ceasar

Young Terrorists #1 & #2 writer: Matt Pizzolo artist: Amancay Nahuelpan colorist: Jean-Paul Csuka letterer: Jim Campbell Published by: Black Mask Studios Available: Issue #1 available now; Issue #2 on December 14, 2016 Sometime in the not-so-near-as-much-as-nihilistic future, a young man strikes out to make his mark in the world through activism because he has […]

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