Tag: murder

Pullbox Reviews Nice Jewish Boys #1- “Brotherhood, bar mitzvahs, and betrayal.”

Behind a backdrop of synagogues and Sabbath meals, three childhood best friends are embroiled in a delicate triangle of crime, cops, guilt, and gefilte fish, when this Jewish suburban crime story comes to an explosive head at a bar mitzvah packed with blintzes and betrayal. “Nice Jewish Boy” Jake Levin had no clue what he […]

Pullbox Reviews: The Love She Offered- Delivers One Gut Punch After Another…

The Love She Offered Source Point Press Written by Glenn Møane Illustrated by Tirso Llaneta Colors by Katherine Lobo Letters by Marco Della Verde Logo Design by Sean Rinehart Covers by Tirso Llaneta (issues 1 & 2), Armin Ozdic (issue 3) & Katherine Lobo Available July 31, 2019 Six weeks ago, Brian Thompson’s daughter Julia […]

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