Tag: Morelli

Pullbox Previews: Archie #15 Veronica vs. Cheryl Blossom

ARCHIE #15 For a while after Veronica’s departure, no woman was around who could wreck the Jughead/Archie bromance.  We all knew that couldn’t last forever, right?  Meanwhile, the Veronica vs. Cheryl Blossom feud reaches its peak! Script: Mark Waid with Lori Matsumoto Art: Joe Eisma, Andre Szymanowicz, Jack Morelli Cover: Joe Eisma Variant Covers: Rafael Albuquerque, […]

Pullbox Previews: Jughead #11

In our last issue, a disastrous date causes Sabrina to curse Jughead and take her revenge! Guess what? In this issue, this is still a thing! The mysterious Sabrina reveals what her ENTIRE DEAL is! And let’s say the not-at-all mysterious Jughead reveals something too! (It’s whether or not he still likes burgers) (he does) Conflict! Burgers! Jokes! All mixed together in […]

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