Tag: Moore

The Rise of the Black Flamingo

A sinister and sexy five-issue miniseries, Sins of the Black Flamingo by critically acclaimed writer Andrew Wheeler (DC’s JLQ, Marvel Voices: Pride) and superstar DC Comics artist Travis Moore (Wonder Woman, Nightwing, Superman: Son of Kal-El) will launch from Image Comics in June for Pride Month 2022. With colors by Tamra Bonvillain (Wonder Woman, Crush & Lobo) and lettering by […]

Pullbox Previews: Killers #1

KILLERS #1 (of 5)Written by B. CLAY MOOREArt by FERNANDO DAGNINOColors by JOSÉ VILLARRUBIALetters by JEFF POWELLCover A by JONBOY MEYERSCover B by DIEGO BERNARDCover C by KEN LASHLEYPre-Order Edition by WHILCE PORTACIOBlank Variant Cover also available$3.99 | 32 pgs. | T+ | On sale JULY 31st Five deadly assassins are recruited into a game of cat and mouse by their former sensei, the […]

Sherlock Holmes Returns in New Mystery The Vanishing Man from Dynamite

Dynamite Entertainment is proud to announce their continuing exploration of a literary icon – and pop culture sensation – with Sherlock Holmes: The Vanishing Man, a new series written by experienced Holmes writers Leah Moore and John Reppion, illustrated by rising talent Julius Ohta, and featuring cover artwork by superstar artist John Cassaday (Astonishing X-Men, Star Wars). “Sherlock Holmes […]

Pullbox Reviews: Planet of Daemons #2 – A Throwback to Classic Adventure Comics

Planet of Daemons #2 (of 4) Amigo Comics Written by Kevin Gunstone Art by Paul Moore Colors by Stefan Mrkonjic Letters by Malaka Studio 2nd issue Available 1-11-17 (check out my review for issue #1 here) In the occult realm of the Qliphoth, the puritan magistrate Amos Deathridge serves as jailer of the Daemons who […]

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