Tag: Miquel Muerto

Pullbox Review: Something’s STILL Killing the Children, and Erica Slaughter’s Gonna Do Something About It!

If you’ve not read the first six issues of Something is Killing the Children, well, first you need to correct that—and thankfully, Boom! Is making that easy on you; they’re also releasing a gorgeous collected trade of the full first arc, just in time for issue 7 to drop. Second, even if you choose not to, this is a great jumping-on point. The vibe remains equal parts Buffy the Vampire Slayer and It, and Tynion’s storytelling skills remain top notch. He deftly introduces new characters and story arcs without bogging things down with too much dialogue, and leaves much of the tale hinted at and suggested, as good horror should be. And he trusts his artists. (12/13)

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