Tag: miniseries

Pullbox Previews Dark Empty Void- Cosmic Horror & Sci-Fi, coming soon from Mad Cave Studios

YOU CAN’T ESCAPE ITS’ PULL. MAD CAVE ANNOUNCES DARK EMPTY VOID’ Scientists have created a stable, microscopic black hole in a secret underground compound, but when they lose control, the black hole spews out a cosmic maelstrom, strange dangerous creatures, and most surprisingly…a mysterious human teenage girl. Now, a depressed but brilliant psychologist must help […]

Pullbox Previews High On Life #1- A story of “Guts, Gore, Redemption… and Lost Love”, based on the video game from Squanch Games

The debut comic based on the hit game from Squanch Games! The bounty hunter has become the hunted! Though they restored peace to the cosmos by killing Garmantuous, there’s no rest for the Bounty Hunter when a brutal new threat to Humans shoots its way onto the scene. Armed with plucky & determined Harper – […]

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