Tag: Martin Simmonds

Pullbox Kickstarter Spotlight on Warp Hustler, a trippy, bendy sci-fi from UHStudios

Go anywhere. Do Anything. F*** everyone. Mature Readers Sci-Fi WTFery from Martin Simmonds and Paul Hanley Austin, 2021:Janice Hoffman’s a 34 year-old pot-smoking slacker working at the last video store in Texas.  Her life may look aimless and boring, but she’s watching every Star Trek episode ever in in-universe chronological order and already made it […]

Pullbox Previews Death Sentence London #4- Gritty and real… with superpowers and STD’s

Death Sentence London #4 Written by Montynero (@Montynero) Art by Martin Simmonds The smash-hit sex, death, and superpowers series continues – now ongoing! • London remains under curfew, as electrical storms wreak havoc on the city and bomb-damaged infrastructure and martial law leads to chaos and rioting on the streets! • Verity comes into her […]

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