Tag: Markosia Enterprises

Pullbox Previews AL15 volume 2: Broken Dreams- Through the Looking Glass with a stylish Sci Fi twist

Sequel to the highly acclaimed ALI5: The Adventure Begins ALI5 has arrived on Somnium Terram (Dream Land) to find her way home but has been captured and thrown into a surreal world of Augmented Reality. Guarded by AI and surrounded by Dragons, ALI5 has only a limited time to escape before her real world caves […]

Pullbox Review: Identity Stunt, the Sequel, Act Two: Invasion USA!!!

This time offering nods to great films and TV programs throughout time (Airplane!, The Maltese Falcon, Indiana Jones, Mr. Belvedere and Pulp Fiction, to recount just a few, Khach and crew continue their madcap dive into our nation’s entertainment subconsciousness, while serving up a blast of a tale themselves. Seriously, folks—if you enjoyed all those high-octane, crazy-tech action yarns of the ‘80’s (and if you didn’t, I bet you stopped reading a long time ago, except for maybe you, Mom), hop on this train. You’ll be glad you did. (12/13)

Pullbox Previews- Artist Joe Rubinstein delivers a classic cover beatdown for Identity Stunt 2, #3

Joe Rubinstein brings his Beatdown to IDENTITY STUNT 2, and more IDS News! (From Team IDS) Comic book legend Joe Rubinstein – whose credits include Wolverine, Infinity Gauntlet, Firestorm, X-Factor, and more – lends his amazing artistic talents to the cover of Identity Stunt 2 #3! Colored by the one-and-only Patrik Mock, the cover to Identity Stunt 2 #3 homages the classic Marvel 25th […]

Pullbox Reviews AL15: The Adventure Begins- ‘Through the Looking Glass’, in space!

AL15 Markosia Enterprises Written & Illustrated by Steve De La Mare Now available for pre-orders! Moon farming communities supply food to the neighboring planet. Everyone knows their place in life. Everyone except AL15. AL15 is a 15th generation young Cropper from the moon and wants at least one adventure in her lifetime. She never expected […]

Pullbox Previews: Man of Sin, coming from Markosia, in early 2021

Man of Sin to be published by Markosia in early 2021 Created & Written by Andrew Guilde Illustrated by Camilo Ponce Letters by Wes Locher Free digital copy here! (From the Press Release) Greetings, Readers! My name is Andrew Guilde, and I’m excited to present to you my horror graphic novel Man of Sin!  Originally, Man of Sin was […]

Announcing Identity Stunt: the Trade – There’s a Beatdown on the horizon…

Identity Stunt Vol. 1: The Fall Guy, one of 2018’s best-reviewed graphic novels, is now for sale in bookstores and comic shops worldwide! The 100-page action-thriller odyssey is available at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, DriveThruComics, and more! (thePullbox reviews for all four issues can be found here, here, here, & here…) Austin, TX – Last […]

Pullbox Reviews: Identity Stunt #4- Punches, Kicks, and Quips abound!

Identity Stunt #4: Lethal Weapon Markosia Created & Written by Joe Khachadourian Art by J. Briscoe Allison Color by Juancho Velez Letters by A. J. Scherkenbach Available digitally, January 2nd, 2019! The dawn is about to break and Sami Nasser’s adventure of a lifetime is about to come to its frenzied conclusion! Back-to-back with the […]

Pullbox Reviews: Clockwork, Inc.- Timey Whimey Paradoxical Hijinks to be Found…

Clockwork, Inc Markosia Enterprises Written by Stu Perrins Art by Ron Gravelle Available July 23rd (pre-order on Amazon now) Honest, trustworthy, hardworking. These are just three words that have never been used to describe Roger Hanover. He is a man who sees Black Holes and parallel universes as avenues to make a quick buck rather […]

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