Tag: Mark Russell

Killing Red Sonja Explores the She-Devil’s Wake…and Sets Her Up For a Fall!

A spinoff to Russell’s smash run on the main Red Sonja title (the events of this book take place directly after Red Sonja #12), Killing Red Sonja presents the revenge quest of boy-emperor Cyril of Zamora, adopted son of recently-slain evil tyrant Dragan the Magnificent. Made to promise to track his father’s absence, then seek vengeance if he were not to return, the boy, overwhelmed by guilt and duty despite full knowledge of his father’s despotism, heads out in manic chase. (12/13)

Pullbox Reviews: Second Coming #6 – Killer Apes, the LAST Last Temptation, & a Veggie Tray…

Second Coming #6 Ahoy Comics Written by Mark Russell Art by Richard Pace Finishing by Leonard Kirk (Sunstar pages) Colors by Andy Troy (Sunstar pages) Letters by Rob Steen Created by Mark Russell & Richard Pace Available on 01/15/2020 Extra-sized first season finale, featuring 30 pages of story! Sunstar and Shiela leave Jesus in charge […]

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