Tag: Louise

Pullbox Reviews: Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia #3- Better than a drop from the top rope into a folding table…

Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia #3 SBI Press (on Facebook & Twitter) Written by Ed Kuehnel & Matt Entin Pencils by Dan Schkade Inks by David Hahn Colors by Marissa Louise Letters by A Larger World Studios Available now! The Wrestletopians have enclosed the Earth in a metal cage, holding the planet hostage until upstart “Galactic […]

Pullbox Reviews: Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia – Whatcha gonna do, Brother!?!

Invasion From Planet Wrestletopia #1 Suspicious Behavior Productions Written by Ed Kuehnel & Matt Entin Art by Dan Schkade Colors by Marissa Louise Letters by A Larger World Studios Edited by Mariah Huehner Available now! When a disgruntled professional wrestler declares himself “galactic champion of the universe” an alien planet of wrestlers sees it as […]

Ashley Wood and T.P. Louise Come Together To Fight The Beautiful War

2014 marks both IDW Publishing’s 15th anniversary and the return of one its most integral and beloved creators, Ashley Wood (Popbot, World War Robot). This May, Wood and writer T.P. Louise, his co-conspirator on Lore (now in development as a major motion picture), launch an all-new, ongoing bi-monthly series, The Beautiful War. Wood and Louise weave The Beautiful War around an industrialist, Audel Howard, […]

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