Tag: Kit Wallis

Pullbox Previews High On Life #1- A story of “Guts, Gore, Redemption… and Lost Love”, based on the video game from Squanch Games

The debut comic based on the hit game from Squanch Games! The bounty hunter has become the hunted! Though they restored peace to the cosmos by killing Garmantuous, there’s no rest for the Bounty Hunter when a brutal new threat to Humans shoots its way onto the scene. Armed with plucky & determined Harper – […]

Source Point Press brings the Holiday Fear, December 21st, 2022

Set in one of the deadliest fictional locations in the world, The Curse of Cleaver County follows some of the most grotesque, gruesome, and gore-fueled killers as they haunt, horrify, and harrow the peaceful residents!  This limited edition Double Feature includes the introduction of the brand new Horror-Verse from Source Point Press! Featuring stories by Garrett […]

Pullbox Reviews: Good Boy #1- When the old dog learns new tricks, the lead will fly…

Good Boy #1 Source Point Press with Last Wolf Legion Written by Garrett Gunn Christina Blanch Art & Colors by Kit Wallis Letters & Design by Dave Lentz I know this is going to be a tough one to swallow, but my wife really dislikes the John Wick movies. If you knew her at all, […]

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